Southern Oregon University
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Southern Oregon University 1250 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, OR, 97520 Lot 36 (corner of S. Mountain Avenue and Henry Street)

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Native American Programs and Natives of One Wind Alliance are hosting a free COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on February 11th, March 11th and April 8th! The clinic will be held from 4-7pm on campus in Lot 36, across from the music building. Vaccines, including pediatric, will be available for free as well as free dinner, food boxes, and gift bags.

We are looking for fully-vaccinated volunteers to help with set-up, clean-up, providing directions to the clinic location, helping with intake, and disributing gift bags. If you are interested in volunteering on February 11th, March 11th or April 8th from 3pm-8pm please contact Miranda Cassee at

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