Southern Oregon University
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The Schneider Museum of Art and the Oregon Center for the Arts invite you to a Creative Industries Discussion with Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Artistic Director Nataki Garrett. The interview will be conducted and recorded by JPR's Geoffrey Riley and will be aired on JPR the following day. The interview is free and open to the public, but seating is limited. Doors will open at 6:30 PM. SOU parking will be complimentary.

Reception for SMA Members & Volunteers Only - RSVP required

As an added benefit to museum membership, members and volunteers are invited to a private reception prior to the interview in the Museum at 6 PM to extend a warm welcome to Nataki Garrett. Reception RSVP’s will receive reserved seating in the Meese Auditorium. Wine is generously being donated and poured by Upper Five Vineyard. SOU parking will be complimentary.

The reception is a Museum members and volunteers only event. Members and volunteers are welcome to bring a guest. Please RSVP by January 17th by emailing or call 541-552-8248.

Reception: Thursday, January 23rd at 6 PM in the Schneider Museum of Art.

Interview: Thursday, January 23rd at 7 PM in the Meese Auditorium. The interview is open to the public.

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