2023 Oregon Fringe Festival - Gopher It & Attitudes… Self-Reflection Concertante, DK & Co.
Saturday, April 29, 2023 4:30pm to 5pm
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450 S Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520
http://www.oregonfringefestival.org ##oregonfringefestival #fringefestival #oregon #fringe #festival #fringeiscoming #fringefestivaliscoming #fringe2023 #fringefestival2023 #oca #ocaatsou #sou #oregoncenterforthearts #southernoregonuniversity #ashlandoregonGopher It is a head arrangement consisting of the music that 'represents' the character, Gopher, in one of Derek’s opera pieces, California Tableaux. Attitudes... Self-Expression Concertante, Derek’s second piece, explores the notion concerning the attitudes that we posture in relation to our belief systems and the assumptions of their meanings. Using self-reflection as a metaphor, Derek imagines catching a glimpse of oneself unexpectedly in the mirror, posturing a certain attitude, observing one’s behavior, and subsequently having to reckon with it. He employs palindromic compositional procedures as a means of embedding this mirroring metaphor. Four distinct grooves and themes are featured, and each has a musical “attitude.” The material of these grooves are segmented and set against one another as abutments. The segments of musical material are presented forward and reversed in their original durations and in augmented forms. The computer assists in this reflection process by sampling the guitar part and playing back a collage of different reflections that sound in the immediate foreground, at a slight distance, and far away. Different lengths of material, presented forward and reversed, structure the computer’s contribution as a collage of sonorous reflections. This piece is an experience of gaining perspective or relief from ‘the mirror’ while regarding one’s attitudes from different and critical angles.
Born from uncommon versatility as a composer and performer, Derek Keller's music explores hybridity between contemporary concert music, jazz, and rock. Derek has received commissions from Loadbang, SACRA/PROFANA, Citywater, Empyrean Ensemble, Fondation Royaumont, Redfish-BlueFish, NOISE, JitaZax, Cantoria, and Cappella Gloriana. His music has been performed in the Americas, Europe, China, and Australia. He is an Assistant Professor of Music at Southern Oregon University where he directs the Music Industry & Production Program and produces the music of MUSIX, which specializes in composing, performing, and producing music in the styles of the popular sphere.
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